I'm sitting in my mom's gifted certification class tonight for lack of anything remotely productive or entertaining to do. My days are so filled with excitement these days. I wash dishes, do laundry, take care of the dog and cat, and apply for jobs that don't even have the courtesy to acknowledge my application.These people in this class are an interesting bunch. They fall into two categories - the ones that think of themselves as...
I just mailed clips to my first magazine. Snail mail, ftw! ...
I want a job. ...
I had my first real job interview last weekend. It seemed to have gone well. They were supposed to call me and let me know their decision yesterday.I still haven't heard from them.However, I do have another prospect in the near future. Another paper called me on Friday and asked me to come in for an interview this week, most likely on Wednesday. He's supposed to call me tomorrow to confirm the date and time.This...