Lack of Time

January 29, 2010 / BY Ashton
Not that I had anything to talk about anyway, but this morning I barely have time for this quick update for the few of you who actually take the time to read this. All hell is breaking out at the station. Alabama Governor Bob Riley's task force on illegal gambling is, as I type this, in the process of raiding Country Crossing. That means live coverage for the top of both my shows. And since...

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I Like Random Stuff

January 28, 2010 / BY Ashton
So a few months ago, one of my coworkers introduced me to a website - Stuff Journalists Like. It's just what it says: a list of stuff journalists like. And since I have nothing good to write about today I decided to revisit the site and share with you some things this journalist likes. Free Food - this is just a given. I mean, I'd like free food even if I wasn't a journalist. But...

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Johnny's Been Replaced!

January 27, 2010 / BY Ashton
I am so disappointed this morning. I'm browsing around online (Yahoo, of course) while I'm waiting for CBS to upload the last package that I need for my show, and what do I come across? This article telling me how Johnny Depp has dropped down to the number two spot on the favorite actor list. It would have been less disappointing if he had been beaten out by one of my other favorite actors but no....

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Bicycle DUI

January 26, 2010 / BY Ashton
Every week I (along with every other producer, the reporters and the anchors) am required to post a total of 15 stories to my station's website. It's really quite boring most of the time - just a matter of copy and pasting a story from the Associated Press and finding a picture (that part's a real pain). Normally I barely even pay attention to what I post, caring only about meating my quota so my...

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She has her toothpaste...

January 25, 2010 / BY Ashton
So as most of you probably know Anna Faris is Cosmo's Fun, Fearless Female of 2010. She's gutsy and funny and absolutely gorgeous. I love her in House Bunny, but my absolute favorite scene she's ever done was the "toothpaste scene" in Just Friends with co-star Ryan Reynolds.  That makes me laugh every time I see it! And just for kicks, here's my favorite scene from House Bunny. She plays the good-hearted dumb blonde roll...

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Men & Romance

January 22, 2010 / BY Ashton
So I was surfing the internet after I was finally satisfied with my rundown (even though we all learned yesterday that they're merely suggestions and the producer should never fully believe things will go off exactly as she plans), and I came across an article - Dating 101: What Do Men Find Romantic? Of course I clicked on it, thinking it would be worth a good laugh if nothing else. It turned out being a versus...

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Rundowns are just a suggestion...

January 21, 2010 / BY Ashton
On days like today when severe weather threatens the lives of our viewers (I'm only semi-serious about the life-threatening...) show rundowns are only suggestions. It becomes a question of what can you stand to kill. And boy did we kill a lot of stories this morning. In the second hour two entire blocks got the axe in lieu of weather. It was exciting and frustrating and even confusing (trying to recalculate times on the fly is not...

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The Choking Game? WTF?!

January 20, 2010 / BY Ashton
While I work through the night to get the morning show ready to be aired, I'm usually at least listening to a television set. Tonight it happened to be on CBS so at first I suffered through a couple late night talk shows (I was too lazy to get up and change them, you see.), and then Entertainment Tonight came on. Normally I don't really listen to their stories because I find them really shallow,...

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What Not to Say

January 18, 2010 / BY Ashton
You've heard of What Not To Wear. Well this is "What Not To Say." To your boyfriend. I found this article on, where else, Yahoo. It's called "10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Boyfriend." And since I don't actually have a boyfriend, I thought my comments on what they have to say would be completely appropriate. 1. My ex did the exact same thing! First of all, you don't want him to talk about...

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An Artsy Post

January 14, 2010 / BY Ashton
So yesterday I had this really interesting idea for a blog topic, but that idea was killed when all of a sudden I was put on assignment in a city two hours away from my desk. Now don't get me wrong. I had a lot of fun out in the field yesterday (I'm a dork, I know), but my post wasn't very interesting as a result. It was hurried and brief and just blah. So for...

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Experiment Continued

January 13, 2010 / BY Ashton
So the experimet I was telling you about yesterday was a success. Such a success, in fact, that today I'm out again, this time in Montgomery at a press conference about (you'll never guess) electronic bingo. The conference was held by a religious-based oganization and it was pretty much all gambling is bad and it's up to us to take a stand. Anyway, some of the quotes that came out of it were pretty interesting and...

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Work Experiment

January 12, 2010 / BY Ashton
It's been a crazy week so far, and it's only Tuesday! Yesterday I came in extremely early, 3:00 a.m., to run the booth for the morning show. I ended up doing more than just sitting downstairs though. I edited scripts (to a degree) and added some stuff in so we wouldn't be more than a minute under on time. A minute may not seem like much, but when you're counting every second, a minute is...

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All Grown Up

January 08, 2010 / BY Ashton
If you're my age then you probably remember watching Snick on Nickelodeon Saturday nights. And if you remember that, then you definitely remember watching All That. One of the original cast members is, like me, all grown up now and, unlike me, showing the world a different side of her. Ms. Amanda Bynes has been named one of Maxim Magazine's Hot 100 Women. You can see all of the photos from her shoot in the February...

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Merry Christmas Indeed

January 07, 2010 / BY Ashton
We all know that not everyone gets into the holiday spirit, and let's face it - some people can be just plain mean. But a Florida woman takes the meaning of the word grinch to a whole new level. Since I don't want to use names and there are multiple women in this story they will from here on be called stun gun lady and victim lady. Here's what went down. Victim Lady was picking up a...

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Country Crossing Drama

January 06, 2010 / BY Ashton
Work has been a mad house today. I'm talking phones ringing every two minutes, multiple live shots for every show (including the morning show -- that rarely happens!), and general craziness on every end of the spectrum. And who, you may ask, is the cause for all the chaos? Why none other than Alabama's most recent big headline-maker - duh da da dah! - Country Crossing. For those of you who aren't from around here, Country...

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Pot Ransom Note

January 05, 2010 / BY Ashton
Okay, so this story isn't about a map...although that could be almost as entertaining as this under the right circumstances. (Honestly, I just thought this particular ransom note was funny.) Anyway, here's the skinny. Police in Marathon, Fla., seized six large marijuana plants. In place of the plants they left a note - a ransom note. Thanks for the grow! You want them back? Call for the price. Want to know the funny thing? It actually...

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World's Tallest Skyscraper

January 04, 2010 / BY Ashton
The world's tallest skyscraper opened today in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The tower, named Burj Khalifa after the leader of neighboring Abu Dhabi, stands 2717 feet tall (twice as tall as the Empire State building). The developer says the project cost $1.5 billion. It boasts four swimming pools, a private library and a hotel designed by Giorgio Armani. There are observation points in the tower that allow you to look out over the city. It is also...

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