I Want to be Carrie Bradshaw

by - February 03, 2011

I've been watching Sex and the City a lot recently. It's a fun show that reminds me of my friends, minus the whole living in New York thing. In the middle of the mini-marathon I was caught up in last weekend I realized something.

I want to be Carrie Bradshaw.

I've always aspired to be a successful journalist and Carrie's career in the show is what most of my childhood dreams looked like, minus the relationship drama.
You have to admit, it would be awesome to have her job - a weekly column about sex/relationships/human existence/whatever. Especially if I got to live the way she does - nice apartment, designer clothes and the shoes (I would kill for her shoes!).

I kind of stumbled into the career I'm in now. It's not what I dreamed of doing way back when. And while I do enjoy what I do, sometimes I feel as if I've strayed away from myself.

So although I'm following a career path I never thought I'd stumble upon, I'm always on the lookout for that fork in the road... the one that will steer me closer to the kind of journalist I always wanted to be, the one that will unlock my inner Carrie Bradshaw and maybe one day fill my closet with just a portion of her amazing shoes.

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  1. Hey, i must say its really great post, and i really enjoy reading it :) So thank you for posting, keep up a good work, will come back soon.

