Me: Just ignore him.
This week we're using the 6:00 as our practice field, which means we've moved into my domain as the 6:00 is one of my shows.
The schedule for the mock 6:00 is a little hectic. Basically I'm producing the show twice - once for the actual airing and then again for the practice round - all before actual show time. (And yes, I still produced the 10:00)
Things came together quite nicely. For the first time, it actually looked like an actual show ... well, except for the video and soundbites. You see, the actual HD video editing process hasn't started yet so we've been seeing the same soundbite and video clips over and over again.
But now the cameras have actually been set up so we had real shots, instead of random shots where you can't even see the talent. I will admit I'm still nervous about the robots 'cause in my opinion you can't replace the intuition of an actual cameraman.
It's all slowly coming together. Hopefully by the time we start doing live playbacks of the 10:00 on our other channel next week, everything will have fallen into place and we'll look like pros.
I snapped this right before the mock newscast for the 5:00 show started. As you can see, there are so many people crammed in this little room I couldn't even get everyone in it.
Day two wasn't as crazy of a day. Plus, one of the engineers who knows my favorite candy is milk duds brought me a box just because.
I have the best coworkers.
Now for Day 3. Bring it on.
P.S. I'll try to keep you guys updated on how this goes. I've got a nifty little app on my phone that should make posting short updates easier, so stay tuned for the craziness from the control room.