
by - January 26, 2013

I believe everyone has a story. Whether it's boring or exciting, good or bad, each of us has a collection of experiences that led us to wherever we are today.

And in today's world, it seems as if everyone feels entitled to tell the world everything. And God forbid if someone out there in cyber space should disagree with what we have to say.

What with social media, blogging and the media's constant requests for our opinions and thoughts, our society has come to crave attention, and not everyone cares if it's good or bad.

Between checking in everywhere we go, taking pictures of everything we eat and airing all of our dirty laundry online, we've made it easy for everyone - and I mean everyone - to know what we're doing, who we're doing it with, where we're doing it at, when we're doing it and how we feel about the whole experience.

We jeopardize our friendships, romances and even our jobs all for the pursuit of 'freedom of speech', but how many of us actually understand that freedom? How many of us actually care about what someone else has to say or even believe they have the right to say it?

We live in a society where no one keeps anything to themselves. Most of us wouldn't be caught without our phones. Many of us carry a tablet with us now as well. It's as if we have this insatiable desire to be connected to everyone at all times.

And for what gains? An internet feud? 15 seconds in a television newscast where they don't even use your last name?

Being constantly plugged into the internet world may gain you a fleeting moment of fame or infamy, but ultimately you lose so much time in real life. Why hide behind a keyboard when you can actually be out living your life? Why not leave your phone in your car or bag or even at home so you actually experience your life?

It's time for our society to rethink its priorities. It's time to unplug every once in awhile. Who knows - it may make us better people.

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  1. I admire you for expressing this, Ashton. It means a lot more coming from someone in her 20s than from someone in his 60s. I have a brother who is ten years older than me. He has never touched a computer in his life, nor does he own or use any of the myriad devices now available to keep us connected 24-7. To him a tweet is still the sound a happy bird makes. I keep telling him he doesn't know what he's missing but when I see that he's perfectly happy and content with his life it makes me believe that he's getting it right and 99% of the civilized world is losing sight of what's important.
