Monday Motivation
We've got another busy week ahead of us, although maybe hopefully not as tiring as last week! There are no doctor's appointments this week that will require getting up earlier than usual, but there's another new person starting at work this week so I'll be dealing with another round of training plus doing all my normal job duties. I'll also be picking back up with making schedules for everyone and working on my next special project - taking our noon show back on the road for Independence Day. One of the things I'm excited about doing for the show is putting together a feature piece on the 98th Army 'Silver Wings' band. Some of my other goals for the week are to actually go grocery shopping, have bottles washed before bed so I don't have to scramble in the morning and actually get started on my next (Not So) Basic Journalism Skills post. Hope everyone has a great week!
You really do have a lot on your plate, Ashton, but that's the way it's been all the years that I've know you. You always seem to rise to the occasion and get it done. Your daughter is simply the most adorable little thing I've ever seen. You must be enormously proud of her. My grandson was tongue-tied and needed laser surgery a week ago but he's fine now and able to feed much better than before. He's a month old tomorrow. Take good care of yourself and your little bundle of joy!