In the Works

Additionally, the type of content I'll be posting will be a little more varied and feature a lot more personal posts. I anticipate a lot of those posts to be motherly in nature, but I also plan to incorporate more of my interests, as well, with a goal of posting three times a week.
Some posts you guys can expect to see more of include Monday Motivation, (Not So) Basic Journalism Skills, behind the scenes and Sh*t Crazy Newsroom Callers Say.
Some other ideas I'm pursuing include a semi-regular series called "What I'm Watching" and potentially a weekly newsroom fashion segment (Did you know?: More than half of the blogs I follow are fashion blogs).
Some posts I currently have in the works include (in no particular order): the top stories I got tired of covering in 2015, ways to speed up writing, my favorite must-have baby products and stacking 101.
I'm interested in what types of posts you guys would like to see more of so be sure to let me know in the comments!