Monthly Reading Inventory: January

January 31, 2017 / BY Ashton
One of the goals I set for myself this year is to read at least one book every month, which for a self-proclaimed bookworm seems like an easily-achievable feat, but with a toddler and full-time job, it can be difficult to find time to just sit and read, especially time that isn't normally spent sleeping. So, in an effort to keep myself on track, I've decided to do a monthly reading inventory. In January, I...

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Monday Motivation

January 30, 2017 / BY Ashton
I'm trying to adopt this mantra in my life, but after being bombarded with stressful situation after stressful situation last week ... well, I decided to take a break from everything that isn't necessary in my life. That's why you didn't see any new posts last week. I needed some time to just sit and be; a chance to not feel like I was rushing to meet a deadline or dealing with a stressful situation....

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3 Personal Goals for 2017

January 16, 2017 / BY Ashton
It's that time of year when people are making resolutions. Last year, the top resolutions according to iQuanti were to get healthy, get organized, live life to the fullest, and start a new hobby. I'm not big on resolutions, especially not the traditional ones that most people tend to make and only keep for a few months. For me, setting goals is much more productive and likely to make a difference in my life. I...

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Monday Motivation

January 09, 2017 / BY Ashton
Considering that half the time I don't know what day it is anyway, this should be easy. Happy Monday! ...

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Christmas 2016 Recap + Toddler Update

January 06, 2017 / BY Ashton
What a difference a year makes! Alexis was much more into Christmas this past year. From shopping to wrapping presents, seeing Santa and looking at Christmas lights she thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. And I must be getting a handle on this whole mom thing seeing as how this go 'round I'm posting about Christmas in the first week of January instead of almost February. Things got started off a little rough. Alexis got...

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Hello, 2017: Professional Goals

January 03, 2017 / BY Ashton
If you read my post this past weekend about my end-of-year funk, then you'll know that work was a huge struggle for me the last two weeks of 2016. There were many contributing factors, not all of which were actually in the station, but I'm determined to start 2017 with a clean slate and make it better than '16 ever thought about being. The groundwork for an even better year was actually laid in November...

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Monday Motivation

January 02, 2017 / BY Ashton
It's the first Monday of 2017. Let's be better humans than we were last year, at all things. Happy Monday! ...

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