He's been with me through it all, and even when I can't love myself he does. I can't imagine doing this thing called life without him.
2. Daughter
She is the light of my life. Every day is a new adventure, and I can't wait to watch her grow up.
3. Parents
It may not be perfect, but their relationship is what set the stage for my own.
4. Mom
Yes, my parents each get their own entry, because I'm also thankful for the people they are individually. My mom is the strongest person I know.
5. Stepdad
This man doesn't share my blood, but he is definitely my dad. He picked us and has loved us for basically my entire life. He is the man by which I judge all others.
6. Brother
Everybody's got that one person they could call, no matter what, who would be there no questions asked.
7. BFF's
Even though none of us live close enough to see frequently, nothing could come between us. They're the sisters I never had.
8. Work friends
Everybody needs them.
9. Job
This goes without saying, but I'm forever grateful to be doing something that I love every day.
10. House
The journey to home ownership wasn't an easy one, but I'm so thankful we found a house that meets all of our needs and most of our wants.
11. Dog
He was my first baby, and even though he loves his daddy more than me, I can still go sit with him and just be.
12. Blogging
Not only am I grateful to have a creative outlet, but I'm thankful for the friends I've made and all the tips, tricks, and random knowledge I've picked up along the way.
13. DVR
...without which I would never get to watch TV.
14. Benadryl
In recent weeks, my lactose sensitivity has progressed into all-out intolerance, complete with hives. In the two weeks it took to figure out what was behind it all, Benadryl was my best friend.
15. Neutragena
Adult acne sucks. Having adult acne on top of already sensitive skin sucks more. From face wash to make-up, Neutragena is one of the few products that doesn't make things worse and doesn't break my wallet.
16. Dove
Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but Dove has transformed my skin and hair care in the past few years.
17. Granny & Pawpaw
Grandparents are special, and what makes mine even more so is the fact that they aren't actually related to me but you'd never know it.
18. Books
Three words: escape from reality.
19. Social media
Beyond the obvious reason of keeping me connected with friends and family, social media has enhanced the way I do a large portion of my job.
20. Naptime
When else are parents supposed to get things done without sacrificing sleep?
21. Dishwasher
I absolutely hate dirty dish water.
22. Planners
I would be lost without mine.
23. Memory foam mattress
Because sleeping on a cloud should be at the top of everybody's list.
24. Noise machine
My husband bought one of these to use when he's on night shift. He left it on one day and I couldn't figure out how to turn it off, so I slept with it that night...and now I'm hooked.
25. Bubble baths
Some people use wine to wind down after a long day. I use Mr. Bubble.
26. Phone
I can still remember when I got a phone in my bedroom, and since then it's only gotten better.
27. Independence
I mean this in the sense that I'm alright on my own. I'm perfectly OK with not following the crowd.
28. Online shopping
Oh, the convenience of online shopping. Online stores never close, and I don't have to worry about losing my toddler in the racks.
29. Google
Do I even need to explain this one?
30. Growing Up Without Technology
We had television, of course, and even primitive computers, but there was no social media. We got to be kids...for real.
31. Family ... Even When It's Complicated
Family teaches you the type of person you want to be or, sometimes even more importantly, the type of person you want to avoid becoming.