We're still waiting for Fall down here in the South, but I still want to break out all my Fall clothes despite the temperatures still being in the 90-degree range every day. Obviously that's not practical, so I've just been faking it instead. Below are five outfits I've worn recently that feel like Fall without feeling like Fall, ya feel me?

Vest: JCPenney - exact
Dress: Charlotte Russe (old) - similar
Shoes: Old Navy - exact

Shirt: Target - exact
Jeans: Kohl's - exact
Shoes: Old Navy - exact

Shirt: Aeropostale - exact
Skirt: Charlotte Russe (old) - similar
Shoes: ShoeDazzle (old) - similar

Shirt: Aeropostale - exact
Dress: Wet Seal (old) - similar
Shoes: Target - exact

Shirt: Old Navy - exact
Vest: JCPenney - exact
Jeans: JCPenney - exact
Shoes: Target (old) - similar