The Bubble Gum Saga
I was waiting on her to finish the sucker so she could have a bath and kept checking in on her progress. When I started to be able to see the gum through the shell, I committed one of my biggest parenting fails to date.
Me: Don't eat the pink stuff in the middle. If you swallow it, it'll get stuck in your tummy. (I may have said the word forever.)
Alexis: *face falls, tears form*
Me: *mentally kicking myself* Did you already eat some?
Alexis: *nods*
What followed next can only be described as a full-on meltdown that lasted off and on for the next two hours, until bedtime. I later learned that she had not slept during naptime at school, so that explains some of it, but ever since my grievous error Alexis has been randomly saying things like "I don't like bubblegum," although thankfully we haven't had another meltdown over bubble gum being stuck in her tummy. Now I've got a dozen or so lollipops to eat myself.