Believe it or not, we've actually had a stretch of winter-like weather here in the deep South. Well, as winter as we usually get anyway. I went beyond my go-to outfit of jeans and a sweater for most of last week, a feat that I'm fairly proud of considering most days I didn't leave my office. Some of these outfits you've seen on Instagram, but some never made it on the 'gram.
For sizing reference, I wear size 6/8 or medium in clothing and size 7 in shoes.

Dress: Amazon
Jacket: Old Navy
Boots: Old Navy

Shirt: Similar
Pants: Similar
Jacket: Old Navy
Sneakers: Similar

Dress: Target (unlinkable)
Sweater: Similar
Boots: Old Navy

Jumpsuit: Target

Sweatshirt: JCPenney
Jeans: Kohl's
Boots: Old Navy

Sweater: Target
Jacket: ShoeDazzle
Jeans: Similar
Boots: Old Navy

Sweater: Target
Jeans: Kohl's
Sneakers: Similar