What I Read September 2020

September 30, 2020 / BY Ashton
How many books do you guys read at one time? My record is six, although I will admit that was pushing my limits. Three is my sweet spot, the number of different story lines I can keep separate in my head. I've also been known to lose myself in one book, or series, and put all others aside to binge read, then pick the others back up once done. I technically started the month off...

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Real Outfit Roundup: Summer to Fall Style

September 29, 2020 / BY Ashton
Fall may be officially here, the first month of fall in the south tends to be more of a transitionary period. We frequently have days in the 80s followed by a day or two in the 60s. And the humidity comes and goes. That makes getting dressed in early fall a little tricky, and more often than not I find myself mixing my summer clothes into my fall/winter wardrobe.I've tried to do a better job...

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Monday Motivation + My Daily Routine

September 28, 2020 / BY Ashton
Welcome to another week. After the hustle of last week, this week will almost feel like a vacation. I can't believe it's about to be October. The end of the year is upon us, and I can't say I'll be sad to see 2020 come to an end.Last week was my last full week of working on the October magazine, but for the first time in a long time I wasn't racing my deadlines to...

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10 Books Currently on my TBR List

September 25, 2020 / BY Ashton
In June, I shared with you guys 30 books I want to read, and while it wasn't my full TBR list, it did cover a lot of what I had sitting in queues at the time. The thing with TBR lists, though -- or at least mine -- is that they are continuously evolving. I'm proud to say that over the last three months, I've been able to cross six of those books off my...

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Mom Style: 3 Casual Dress Outfits

September 24, 2020 / BY Ashton
As a mom, and a working one at that, casual outfits that are cute but functional are a must. Outfits that don't require a lot of pre-planning are even better. Cue comfy dresses that can take you from the grocery store to a play date and beyond. In my case, these easy-to-assemble outfits are perfect for a day spent distributing magazines where I want to look put together but also stay cool.Pairing sneakers with dresses...

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10 COVID-Friendly Fall Activities for Families

September 23, 2020 / BY Ashton
It is officially Fall! Even though it may not feel like fall quite yet in many places, and the fall-like temperatures we're currently experiencing in my town are more than likely not going to stick around, we have finally made it to my most favorite time of the year.All my favorite things happen in the fall. The weather cools off, the leaves change color, and I get to break out all my boots. All the special fall...

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4 Skirts for Fall & How to Wear Them

September 22, 2020 / BY Ashton
Fall in the South is a confusing time. Sometimes it's cool in the morning or evening but feels like summer during the day. Other days it's cool from sunup to sundown. Humidity is still a thing. Layers are your friend, but even with them you can still overdress.Today I'm sharing the four skirts I rely on in a southern fall: corduroy, suede, denim, and leather.Textured skirts are the easiest way to stay cool and seasonally...

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Monday Motivation

September 21, 2020 / BY Ashton
It's the start of another week, and it will feel like fall for the most part thanks to Hurricane Teddy funneling some cool air from the north down our way. It was so nice to not feel like I was going to have a heat stroke on my morning walk/jog today. I've increased my total distance to a mile and can jog half of it, which I'm pretty proud of considering a little over a...

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3 Casual Fall Outfit Formulas

September 17, 2020 / BY Ashton
It'll be awhile before we have consistent fall-like temperatures in my neck of the woods, but we've been having cooler mornings and pleasant evenings and it's got me dreaming of cozy layers. This fall, I'm predicting a lot of sweatshirts and boyfriend jeans for me, but I also love layered dresses and fun sweaters. Oh, and boots. Y'all know I love my boots.Anyway, I was feeling inspired by the crisp morning air and put together...

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Monday Motivation + 5 Things I Do to Stay Organized

September 14, 2020 / BY Ashton
We survived the first week of school! That statement has so much more meaning this year, doesn't it? Alexis's first day of kindergarten was not traditional. We didn't get to walk her to her classroom; we didn't even get out of the car, but the school did delay the start time for kindergartners so it was less hectic. I kept reminding myself that we technically didn't miss out on the first day of school since...

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The Bronze Year: 12 Gift Ideas for Your 8th Wedding Anniversary

September 10, 2020 / BY Ashton
It's hard to believe that this month my husband and I will be celebrating our eighth wedding anniversary. Maybe it's just this year, but it feels like it's been a lot longer. Year eight is traditionally the bronze anniversary (see the full list here). While we don't put a lot of emphasis on anniversary gifts, I thought it would be fun to put together a little bronze-inspired gift guide. There was surprisingly more to choose...

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Plaid Dress 4 Ways

September 08, 2020 / BY Ashton
I am reliving all my 90s fashion dreams with this plaid babydoll dress. I love the relaxed waist and looser fit paired with the edgy green and blue plaid. It's a nice lightweight cotton material, isn't lined but isn't see-through, and has pockets and adjustable straps. I always size up in this brand because it tends to be tighter than I like so I'm wearing a large.This dress leans more toward casual, which is how...

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Monday Motivation + Summer Recap

September 07, 2020 / BY Ashton
Raise your hand if you're a laborer who doesn't get to take Labor Day off. Okay, so technically I can take the day off now that I make my own schedule, but I'll be spending a few hours today getting some of my 'busy work' out of the way so I can focus on magazine distribution the rest of the week.Last week was pretty laid back in comparison to the two weeks before that. I...

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