Monday Motivation
Happy Monday, friends. How was your weekend? Mine was wonderfully lazy. Alexis went on a mini-vacation with my parents as a kind of last hurrah before my mom heads back to work, and Chris worked, so I had the house to myself, and after a crazy couple of weeks of running all over the Wiregrass I needed some me time. For the first weekend in quite some time, I didn't do any type of chore at all. No laundry, no dishes, nothing. And it was glorious.
Like I said, the last couple of weeks have been busy, especially last week with Alexis having camp in the morning. Half-day camps are the afternoon. I do most of my work in the morning hours, so having that valuable time bisected by drop-off and pick-up times that are only a few hours apart makes for a dose of hecticness.
All in all, though, last week was productive. I got quite a bit accomplished, despite feeling like a chicken running around headless. This week should be more manageable. Alexis has swimming lessons, and we've got plans to spend half a day with my granny, but otherwise our schedule is not all over the place.
This past weekend was our state's back-to-school sales tax holiday, but we've still got four weeks before school starts back so we didn't partake. Plus, our district got a grant to provide school supplies for all students so at this point, other than a backpack and a few new pairs of jeans/pants, I don't even know what, if anything, we'll have to buy.
I'm not sure if we'll do anything special before school starts back. Everything here has been back open for awhile, but we haven't just plunged back in. Camps have been about as adventurous as we've gotten. We're are getting a little braver with eating out, though we try to time it so that we miss peak busy times. I still try to avoid places like Walmart, but that's not really anything new for me, ha! And I can't tell you the last time I didn't use a grocery delivery service and went to the store myself. That one, truly, has changed my life, and I'll probably not go back!
Well, I've got some editing to do, so I'm gonna sign off for now. Have a great week!