Monday Motivation

by - December 06, 2021


Happy Monday, friends. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Last week was rough.

We ended up back in the pediatrician's office because Alexis's cough just wasn't getting better. Good thing, too, because she'd developed an ear infection that wasn't there the week before. So now she's on antibiotics and we're finally seeing improvement. Of course, it doesn't help that our temperatures decided to climb back into summer territory. Seriously, there are 80s in our forecast this week...followed by a 30-degree drop back to winter.

In other news, this is my busiest month of the year. In addition to tons of holiday plans and school break, I practically lose a work week. So I've been trying to plan out my blog content, but there are a lot of holes right now, and honestly, there's a good chance the stuff I've put on my blog calendar won't happen if I get behind with other stuff.

We've also still got a lot of Christmas shopping to do. I've only actually crossed one person off our list, although we're very close to being finished with Alexis, too. Thankfully, I've got ideas for pretty much everybody on my list and a gift list app on my phone to help me keep it all straight.

This week, I'll be finishing up magazine distribution and busting my butt to get all my January editorial content done. That said, I better get to it.

Have a wonderful week!

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