Happy Monday, friends! How's everybody doing this week? Other than some lingering sinus-type issues, I think we may be past our bouts with Covid. I've definitely been feeling more lucid and like myself the last few days.
Speaking of the last few days... We've had a kid-free weekend, which hasn't happened since before Christmas. It's been nice to have some one-on-one time with my husband, as well as some me time that didn't include anything work-related!
Friday night I went to a retirement party for one of my former coworkers at the television station. Reg was actually the first African-American news anchor for this market, and what was supposed to be a two-year stint turned into 24. When I started at the station as the overnight producer, he was really the only guaranteed person to still be there when I came in at 11:00 p.m. and was really the first person to make me feel like a part of the crew. Then when I moved to dayside and evenings and finally to executive producer, he was there every step of the way as a mentor and then as a friend. It was a lot of fun to not only celebrate his legacy but also to reconnect with old friends from my past life (I mean, of course, I still keep in touch with the ones I was closest with but not all of them live in the area anymore).
My husband and I just kinda hung out on Saturday. We went to brunch at a new restaurant we'd been wanting to try called Toasted Yolk. The food was good even though the service was pretty slow. Then we went to a few stores, although we ended up leaving all of them empty-handed ha! We came back home and watched the movie Love and Monsters which was actually very enjoyable. It had a Warm Bodies meets Zombieland kind of feel to it. Then we drove to a nearby town for dinner and came home and watched one of the newer Bond movies that we hadn't seen yet.
Last week was a lot of hurry up and wait as we sent the February issue of the magazine to press. We did manage to get everything put together earlier than expected, which was a relief. Now, I've got to focus on getting the website ready to change over on Tuesday and then plan out everything for the March issue, which thankfully is an easy one.
Can you believe February starts tomorrow?! I feel like exhaling a sigh of relief that we finally made it to the end of January, aka the longest month ever. I spent a little bit of time yesterday working on my blog schedule for the month and really hope to be back in the swing of things by the end of this week.
Thanks for sticking with me the past few weeks while I navigated life with Covid brain. Hopefully, it only gets better from here!