My Summer Playlist: 25 Songs I'm Loving Right Now

by - June 27, 2024

This has been the summer of discovering new music for me. A lot of my favorite bands from when I was in high school and college are releasing new music, and I've been listening to stations that play new music more often so I'm getting introduced to some new-to-me bands as well.

My radio is most often set to PopRocks on SiriusXM radio, but here lately I've been spending a lot of time with Alt Nation and, when Alexis isn't in the car with me, Octane.

I'm pretty new to Spotify so I've been spending lots of time adding music to my library and figuring out how all the features work. I really like the DJ option on the mobile app and the smart shuffle feature. Both have helped me find new music as well as reconnect with songs from my youth.

I've added way more than 25 songs to my library lately, but the 25 included in this playlist are the ones I've been listening to most often. They're not really listed in any particular order other than the first two: Edge of the Earth by The Beaches and Too Sweet by Hozier. Those are my two favorite songs at the moment. You'll also see new music from Coldplay, Young the Giant, and The Offspring.

What are you listening to right now?

*This is not a sponsored post nor is it an ad for Spotify or Sirius XM radio. All opinions are my own.

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