My Wavy Hair Routine

by - June 10, 2024

It has been awhile since I did a haircare post for you guys, and a lot has changed since then! The last time I focused on anything hair related was last summer, and it was all about the tools I use (read that post here).The last time I shared a full routine was in June 2022 (read that post here). While I still use every single tool mentioned in the first post, I don't use any of the products in the second, and I haven't for awhile.

So, let's kick things off with a brief explanation of why I stopped using Monat's products after several years of using only their products with great results. In the hair tools post from last summer, I talked about how my hair needs and goals have changed over time. Unfortunately, as much as I liked Monat's hair products, and despite the amazing results I had while using them, something changed, either in their formula or my body chemistry and/or hormones, resulting in non-compatibility.

Disclaimer: This is not a statement against Monat. If I could, I would still be using their products. The results spoke for themselves, but my skin ultimately spoke louder.

Now that the explanation for the drastic change is out of the way, let's talk about my current hair routine. I have tried a lot of different brands over the years -- Cantu, Ogx, Monat, Marc Anthony, LUS, etc. -- and have found that my hair and scalp do better when I don't mix and match products from a bunch of different brands. My goal, ultimately, is to have an easy, almost effortless routine. Bonus if I don't have to spend a ton of money to achieve it, and one of the best things about Aussie products is that they run around $5 or less per product. In this post, I'll be sharing the five products I use on every wash day plus two products that help get me through the interim between wash days. That's less than $40 total, and these products tend to last me awhile.

Before we dive in, it's important to note that this is my routine for wavy hair. My wave/curl pattern is a mix between 2c and 3a, which is a deep wave and soft curl pattern.

**This post is not meant to influence your hair decisions or guarantee certain results from specific products. What works for me might not work for you, and that's okay. Your wavy/curly hair journey is your own.**
                                                                    Before                                                                       After 

Wash Day

A wash day for me typically happens every three-to-five days. In the summer, wash days tend to be closer together for obvious reasons. Here's what that looks like for me:

I start with the Aussie Miracle Waves Shampoo. It's made with plum and hemp-seed extracts, doesn't contain parabens, and is cruelty free. It has a nice lather and smells amazing. I apply only to my scalp, using my fingers or shampoo brush to stimulate my scalp and break up any products or dirt that has built up.

I follow that up with the Aussie Miracle Waves Conditioner. I like that I don't have to use a ton of this to get the desired results. It's got good slip and the same great scent as the shampoo. I apply to my ends first, squeezing it in from the bottom. I use any that's left to detangle my roots. I let it sit for 3-5 minutes, or however long it takes me to do whatever else I need to in the shower.

Note: I always thoroughly rinse my hair, making sure there is no conditioner left over. I know all the tips about leaving some to help with dryness and frizz, but all that does is weigh my hair down.


Three products make up my wash day styling routine: leave-in conditioner, anti-frizz cream, and curl pudding.

I start with the Aussie Hair Insurance Leave-In Conditioner Spray. I apply this all over my still-dripping-wet hair before I wrap it in either my Perfect Hair Care towel, which has kind of a slick t-shirt feel to it, or Turbie Twist, which is a microfiber material. I let the leave-in set for about 10-15 minutes, or about as long as it takes me to put on my makeup.

Tip: I get better results if I apply my styling products to very wet hair. If I accidentally leave my hair in the towel too long, I use a basic, not-fancy-at-all spray bottle to rewet it.

Once I take my hair out of the towel, I apply a tiny amount of the Aussie Miracle Curls Frizz Taming Cream. When I say tiny, I mean tiny. I only apply this to the top portion of my hair, concentrating above my ears and close to my part, which is where I see the most frizz usually. I just kind of smooth the cream over that whole area, then I use my fingers to "shake" my roots and lift them back up.

My final product is the Aussie Miracle Curls Creme Pudding. This, to me, is like a curl cream and gel mixed together in terms of consistency. I apply this to the bottom half of my hair, basically from my ears down, using praying hands. Sometimes I gather all my hair into a ponytail and smooth it on that way. Then I scrunch up from the ends and let the products set for a few minutes.

Finally, I blow dry it all using a diffuser until my hair is mostly dry. The degree of dampness depends on my level of running late, especially on work days, but I typically spend between 10-20 minutes drying my hair.

Tip: I do not flip my hair upside down; instead I just flip from side-to-side for volume at the roots. I mostly use the hover method, but I will lay my hair over the diffuser so that the diffuser only touches the bottom to ensure that the underside of my hair actually dries.

If I need to touch my hair after it's dry, I make sure I've applied enough Aussie Miracle Moist Intense Hydration Oil to coat my hands in a thin sheen. I also use this oil on non-wash days to replenish lost moisture. If I need to extend my wash day schedule, I use the Aussie Miracle Curls 2nd Day Curl Activator Spray.

I hope this post was helpful for those of you looking for some solutions for your wavy hair!

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