Photo Dump: Tybee Island Trip

by - June 12, 2024

Back in May, Alexis took her first big multiple-night field trip to Tybee Island. About twenty kids and a dozen or so parents, including me, went on this trip. We had to leave really early in the morning to make it across the state in time, but we did take a charter bus instead of a school bus so at least there's that.

We went to the Burton 4-H Center, which is a year-round camp that also hosts these type of class trips. When we got there, we jumped right in to the activities and classes. Over the course of the trip, the kids learned about the plants and animals of Georgia's coastal plains region. We went on a dolphin cruise (a first for me), met a man who had found a megalodon tooth (picture proof below), dissected squids (so gross), and met lots of coastal animals, among other things.

Here are some of my favorite photos and videos from the trip.

Dolphin Cruise

This was our first activity, and it did not disappoint! We saw a ton of dolphins on this cruise, including several family pods with babies.


Megalodon Tooth

This man was walking down the beach when he noticed our group and asked if he could share his find with the kids. It was really cool. For reference, the megalodon tooth is in my hand.


Squid Dissecting

We wrapped up that first day by learning about squids, which Alexis is kind of obsessed with by the way. Then the kids dissected small ones...with lots of help from the adults.


Salt Marsh

After learning about the different zones of the salt marsh, we went exploring. The kids got to hunt for crabs (I got zero pictures of that because I was too busy helping them catch them) and snails, which they then hummed to in an attempt to get them to come out of their shells.



Beach Zones

After the salt marsh, we learned about the different zones of the beach. Then, we took the kids down to the beach, where they used materials they found to create models of the zones. They also learned about erosion in a couple of fun, interactive ways and about the different birds found along the Georgia coast.



The last day of our trip was spent with animals. We started out by fishing for shrimp off the dock. Then we met some of the animals that are being rehabilitated at the center, and finally we interacted with way more snakes than I was comfortable with.




Fun Extras

Of course there was lots of fun in between classes, too.



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