Seven Early Fall Outfits to Copy

by - October 07, 2024

Wow. The last two weeks have been absolutely wild. Still, I can't believe I haven't posted since September 22nd! A lot has happened between then and now, so sit back and relax as I share some early fall outfits and life updates.

Let's just jump right on in, shall we?

Sizing info: I'm 5'2" and weigh about 140 lbs. I typically wear size 6 or s/m in clothes and 7 in shoes.

Shirt / Pants (similar) / Shoes

Our post starts all the way back on September 23rd. Three days before school was cancelled for Hurricane Helene. At this point in the week, though, we didn't know what was going to happen with the weather, so it was just another school day. We talked about vocabulary and verbs, and students had to write paragraphs using pictures as prompts.

The week prior to this week was brutal. It was a full moon week, and the kids were absolutely feeling it, which means teachers were too, and the weekend really wasn't enough of a break to recover from the madness. Plus, I was busy writing a research paper for the gifted class I'm taking.

Anyway, I needed a positive reminder, so I planned my entire outfit around this "Be the Sunshine" shirt. It's one I've had for awhile, but it's still available. I paired it with my favorite, oldie-but-goodie, dark yellow linen pants. I wanted to be comfortable, so I kept my shoes simple.

Shirt (similar) / Skirt / Shoes

The next day, Tuesday, was a fun day. I can't remember all the things that made it fun, but I do remember laughing a lot. At this point, we still didn't know what was going on with Helene and no decisions had been made regarding school. In class, we talked about the importance of each step of the writing process, then students got their first big writing assignment to wrap up our unit on narrative writing. This day was all about brainstorming, a step that many students intentionally skip.

We were able to wear jeans every day this week, but I didn't want to. I wanted to feel professional and put together, and jeans just don't do that for me. I wanted to put together than outfit that felt classically me. Instead of reaching for something new, I recreated a past outfit that I love. My Queen tee is no longer available in this exact version, but I found a really similar option for y'all. My skirt is still available, and Converse never go out of style.

Sweater (similar) / Pants / Shoes (similar)

Which brings us to Wednesday - the day our school leaders made the decision to cancel school for the rest of the week out of extreme caution. Teachers were notified at the very beginning of the day which was good for me since my planning is right after homeroom, giving me time to rearrange my lesson plans. Nothing changed for my class that day -- we talked about how to use dialogue in stories and most students were ready to start writing their rough drafts.

I've been feeling the urge to dabble in dark academia style lately. I don't know why; I can't explain it. But I gave into the temptation with this outfit. I love these pants so much. They are a nice, thick material and hold their shape all day. They are absolutely worth the long shipping time. My sweater is no longer available sadly, but I linked to a similar style. My loafers are several years old.

Now we're going to skip five days! We didn't go to school on Thursday or Friday. I used that time to complete and turn in another assignment for my gifted class. Then I spent Saturday and Sunday at the barn getting it ready for Alexis's new show pigs (that will get its own post soon, I promise). We were back at school on Monday, but it was America Reads Day so I was in jeans and a reading shirt as requested by admin (I didn't take a picture, but here's a link to the shirt I wore).

That brings us to last Tuesday and the week leading into Fall Break. This week for my classes was spent writing their narrative stories and finishing our oft-interrupted-and-rescheduled parts of speech unit. On this day we talked about adverbs and interjections and broke down the revision process (ARMS).

I'm still feeling the urge to dress more professionally. Not quite like how I dressed when I was at the TV station, but I have this idea in my head about what teachers look like. It's based on the teachers who made the biggest difference in my education years at all levels.

I specifically ordered these pants and shirt to create this outfit, although I can wear both with other things I already own. This shirt is such a good one, y'all. I have it in red and am still sad about getting Expo marker on my light green one. These pants are so much fun and really comfortable. They've got an elastic waist and the front tie is attached so it stays where you want it instead of gradually shifting one way or the other. I originally started the day in heels because the pants are a bit long on me, but by fifth period I had swapped to flats, both in navy blue. I own these flats in five colors.

Sweater / Pants (similar) / Shoes

I don't remember much about Wednesday if I'm being honest. In class we talked about conjunctions and the editing process (CUPS), and students kept plugging away at their essays.

This outfit was all about the sweater. I've been stalking it online for awhile now. I ordered it with the intention of pairing it with a pair of light green linen pants, but then realized the green in the sweater wasn't the right shade for a nice blend of colors. It did, however, pair nicely with these dark teal-green slacks that I've had forever. I can't even remember where they came from, y'all. My feet were killing me this day so I kept my shoes simple with these amazingly comfortable loafer flats.

Thursday was a super busy day. It was our last football game of the season, and it was a home game, so we had our first school pep rally since Covid. That meant a modified schedule which is always fun for teachers. My classes visited the library, learned about prepositions, and continued their essays. Most were typing their final drafts by this point.

I was so excited about this outfit. First, it's my first boot outfit of the season. Second, it's just so me!  I felt like I could have been an extra on The Brady Bunch. This shirt is so much fun. It's fully lined, which is amazing. The top layer is like a gauzy material. It's mostly oranges in the pattern, but there's also some deep red and a light teal-ish blue/green. The deep red was a perfect match for these pants. I've had these for a few years, so they're no longer available, but I linked to three options with similar leg shapes but in different materials.

Finally Friday! Except it was the Friday before Fall Break, and none of those children wanted to work. We did have work to do though. Namely, a vocabulary quiz and finishing up final drafts of essays. All-in-all, it should have been an easy day for them. Of course, I haven't looked at their quizzes yet.

Anyway, as the last day before Fall Break, I wanted to be professional but also comfortable. My Stevie pants are always the ticket for achieving that dynamic. They wear like leggings but are structured like pants. I got this tank top in the summer not realizing just how long it was going to be. It's not described as a tunic, but on me that's exactly what it is. It was the perfect length to wearing with these pants.

And now we're on Fall Break! Plans include a quick trip to the beach and to the state fair so Alexis can see a hog show in person. Otherwise, I'll be doing homework. I'm neck deep in another research assignment and need to get started on the final project for this section of the course. There are three more. Pray for me. At this juncture, I'd rather go back and redo TAPP.

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